In English

The Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Spiritist Society is a non-profit Christian-Spiritist organisation established in London on 1st September 2007. It is a voluntary unincorporated society, with the aim to promote the study of the Spiritist Teachings in the UK in its three aspects: scientific, philosophical and religious, as codified by Allan Kardec.


We offer studies (The Spirit’s Book, The Gospel According to Spiritism) in Portuguese  and Pass every Sunday from 5.30pm to 8pm, except on bank holiday Sundays.

All welcome, but unfortunately we are unable to offer studies in English at the present. We will be happy to designate a member of our group to introduce you to the Spiritist Doctrine.

Further information:
075 2142 1066 (leave a message on WhatsApp) – Patricia Barbieri (Coordinator)
079 7938 0825 – Marco Sterza (Administrative advisor)

Please use this contact form to send us a message.